Rub a Bust Bust

This story starts about two years after the WSA was enacted. The main character is 23 year old David Perz.

A comment about the layout of this page. The top section are completed chapters, while the bottom section are snippets of incomplete works.


  • Chapter 01 – The Beginning

    The Beginning It was mid-morning when the phone rang. I answered it, “Hello, David Perz here.” “Sir, this is Private Manor at the front gate. We’ve just cleared your delivery.” “Thank you Private.” I went outside to wait. It was the last week in April and the temperature in this area of Nevada was in…

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  • Chapter 02 – Down to Business

    Down to Business I don’t know what woke me, either it was my morning woody or the butt rubbing against mine, but when my eyes cracked open, I noticed the sunbeams just barely dancing around the room. It took several seconds before the cobwebs cleared and I figured it was around 6 am. Hell it…

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  • Chapter 03 – Ass Pounding

    Ass Pounding Somewhere in the deep recesses of my warped brain, an alarm clock was ringing. I don’t know why or how long it had been ringing, but the fucker wouldn’t shut the fuck up. That quickly changed, because when I opened my eyes to find it, it shut up. That’s when I remembered, I…

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  • Chapter 04 – Wasted Screamer

    Wasted Screamer My dreams were interrupted by the shaking of my bed. Cracking my eyes, I noticed Helen getting up and heading towards the bathroom. Damn, she’s got a nice ass. The best looking ass of all my slaves, except for those painful looking bruises that some fuckwad gave her. Might as well tell her…

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  • Chapter 05 – Awakenings

    Awakenings I was awakened from my deep sleep with someone sucking on my dick. This was a first! Never, ever, have I been awakened with someone giving me a blowjob. It was still pitch black and so dark that I couldn’t figure which of my slaves was fellatio’ing me, but I wasn’t going to spoil…

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In Progress